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Room 13 Class of 2001

Welcome to Our Photo Album! This project started off as a newsletter but now the school year has ended and the project has evolved. We the members are bound with a rope of caring. This album is a product of what we feel for each other. The kids in room 13 had some interesting experiences and many adults came and went but the one who will never ever forget them indiviudually and collectively has made this virtual classroom of memories.

All the words and letters had to be taken down for the LEAP test. We replaced them with art.

We started with just a few pictures but we ended up with too many for the room.

Our class room.  When getting ready for the LEAP test all the words had to be taken down.  We replaced words and letters with art

I was the 23 teacher the kids in room 13 had.  They will always live in my heart.  They were 4th graders now they are in middle school.  I will keep this web site so that they will know that Mrs. Anthony loves them and wants them to know that I expect exceptional things out of them.


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